
So here is my first Charcoal Image. Sorry it took so long to get up on this blog, I have been stricken with a series of coincidences and many events that have finally subsided. This is my first serious attempt at a Charcoal drawing, and it is definitely the best I could have hoped for myself.


My Dreary Fortune

So I have found a good regular blog posting idea. This blog posting will be called My Dreary Fortune. Every time I open a fortune cookie I will post what the fortune said, and how if that fortune were to come true it would spell the DOOM of all the world. Today I got a fortune that said "Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded." If this were to come to pass I would usher in a new wave of violent video games. Which would then bring our children to an age of violence that will ultimately run the world into a state of total ANARCHY.


Just a Passing Thought Here

So I am having trouble with this whole  
blogging thing. I really don't get it, I type my silly life into this machine, and whosoever decides to read it knows everything about me. So why is it that anybody cares? Truly anybody who does clearly has no life of their own. After all my life is not so grand that anybody but me should care. I suppose that this is just a passing thought after starting my "Blogging Career".

My First Sword-fighting Post

So for all those who are clueless about my  life (so everybody who for some reason is reading this) I was at a sword-fighting training session. These sessions are 2 hours long, and very tiring for myself, as an individual who never even understood sports and never participated. These sessions are training for 14th to 16th century swordsmanship. I find it very relaxing actually, stress relief on steroids, plus I'm working out.

My First Painting

So here is my first attempt at painting, It is a science fiction artwork from no particular universe. This my first painting since becoming an "artist" although the term gets used more loosely these days, take me for instance. C'mon do any of you really think this looks good? While it has certain well performed technical overtones, it has no particularly well executed detailing and brushing. Oh and as a side note, this view has my image placed in a sideways position although the original file is landscape, anyways if you see the image as profile and not landscape it was Blogspot's fault.

My First Blog

So this is my first blog, bear with me. I am new to all this today I am sitting here watching television (Bones currently), and otherwise quite busy.